JSAHR Scholarship Deadline May 1, 2014
The deadline for Jersey Shore Association for Human Resources (JSAHR) scholarship applications and all applicable paperwork is Thursday, May 1, 2014. Each year, JSAHR offers two scholarships to its members – $500 for continuing education, including its certification study group and books; and a $1,000 one-time scholarship to the child of an active member who is pursuing post-high school studies.
The student scholarship, known as the Ann C. Edwards, SPHR (Senior Professional in Human Resources) Scholarship, is given annually as a tribute to Ms. Ann C. Edwards, a founding member of JSAHR, who served in various board and leadership roles in the human resources profession in New Jersey, including president of JSAHR.
She was also a director on the Garden State Council of Human Resources and active in the Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM) on the national level. Edwards is now retired and living in New Hampshire.
For more information, call Kathi Evans, chapter administrator at 732-270-5204 or email jsahradmin@atbcelebrations.com. The decision of the scholarship committee is final. Please contact Bob Kane, scholarship director, with any questions at robertpkane@aol.com.
About Jersey Shore Association for Human Resources (JSAHR): JSAHR is a professional organization that provides its members access to services and programs dedicated to the advancement of Human Resources in New Jersey, particularly Monmouth and Ocean counties. JSAHR gives members have opportunities to update and advance skills through education, network with peers and exchange ideas in a professional forum, learn about current and local legislative actions, and gather information needed to effectively practice the human resources’ profession
The JSAHR is an affiliate chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) and a member of the Garden State Council of SHRM. SHRM is the largest organization dedicated exclusively to the advancement of the Human Resources profession and represents the interests of over 200,000 members and 20,000 businesses located throughout the United States.