Jersey Shore Chamber Holds Its Annual Gala and Formal Induction Ceremony
Jersey Shore Chamber of Commerce, 1856 Highway 35, Wall, N.J., celebrating 40 years of service, recently held its annual Gala and formal induction ceremony at Barlow’s Flower Farm, Sea Girt. Fratello’s of Sea Girt and owner Chris DeCresce provided and served a buffet dinner for more than 70 guests.
New Executive Board members, sworn in by the Honorable Christine Hanlon, are Chamber President Alison Wilson, vice president and small-business manager for Kearny Bank, Long Branch; First Vice President Corinne McCann, Brielle, attorney at Fox Rothschild LLC, Lawrenceville; Second VP Jessica Baguchinsky, Beach Haven West, Paychex; and Treasurer Adam Puharic, Wall, Danskin Insurance Agency. (Not pictured: Board Secretary Kristine Zulewski, Brick, Manasquan Bank.)
Three new Chamber Board members sworn in at the Gala are Paul Barlo, Brick, of Barlo, Governale & Associates Architects, LLC, Kellyann Skorupski, Wall, of Chores NJ; and Thomas Mullooly, Sea Girt, of Mullooly Asset Management.
Emily Dudek, Toms River, and her Withum, Smith and Brown co-workers, Red Bank, won the 50/50 drawing of $4750 sponsored by Jersey Shore Chamber of Commerce Foundation, which funds scholarships for local high seniors. The money raised by the Foundation will fund three scholarships in 2019. An additional scholarship of $1,000, funded by Paul Barlo, will go a student studying in the field of engineering or architecture or construction.
Gala sponsors included Thomas Mullooly of Mullooly Asset Management, Sea Girt, and Amy Fitzgerald, Manasquan, of New Jersey Natural Gas, Wall. Adam Puharic, Wall, Danskin Insurance Agency, was the cocktail sponsor. Kearny Bank sponsored music provided by DJ Anthony DiDio and Company; and Provident Bank, Chocolate Carousel of Wall and the Macaroon Shop, Avon by the Sea, were the dessert sponsors. All is Sharp Photography was the official photographer. Cassie Galasetti and Theresa Pittius of Social Sidekick provided continuous social media coverage of the evening; and Marvin Flavien of MK FlavVideo produced a video of the Gala that can be seen on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Visit the Facebook page of Jersey Shore Chamber of Commerce to view the video.
For more information, contact Evelyn Mars, executive director of Jersey Shore Chamber of Commerce, or Danielle Kidney, executive assistant, at 732-280-8800 or visit
Chamber Directors include Paul Barlo, architect, Barlo Governale & Associates, Brick; Jeff Bezick, ServPro of Greater Hunterdon County, Flemington; and L.A. Caprioni, Inspirations Hair Salon, Sea Girt; Amy Fitzgerald, Manasquan, of New Jersey Natural Gas; Sean Keating, Long Branch, Rosso Financial Group, Sea Girt; Zack Malecki, Brick, Bubbakoo’s Burritos, Wall; Russ McIver, Connections Un_LTD, Allenhurst; Pat Mayer, Diane Turton Realtors; Thomas Mullooly, Sea Girt, Mullooly Asset Management, Wall; Stephanie Reckord, Spring Lake Heights, Greenbaum, Rowe, Smith & Davis, LLC, Iselin; Kellyann Skorupski, Wall, Chores NJ, Wall; Valerie Sculthorpe, Brick, Investors Bank, Spring Lake Heights Linda Talbot, Pt. Pleasant Beach, Kearny Bank, Spring Lake Heights; Virginia Tesch, Brick, Provident Bank, Wall; Anthony Urgola, Wall, Deluxe Cartridges, Manasquan. R.J. Furlong, R.J. Furlong Clothier & Co., Sea Girt; and John Spottke, C&A Financial Group, Wall, are Directors Emeritus.