Diversity in the Workplace – Oct. Meeting of Human Resources Group
As the employee population becomes more and more diverse, it becomes even more critical to create an inclusive environment that enables employees of different backgrounds to maximize their contribution to the workplace.
The Diversity and Inclusion Committee of JSAHR (Jersey Shore Association for Human Resources) is presenting an interactive panel discussion and educational forum to help increase awareness of different populations in today’s workforce.
Attendees will learn best practices for creating inclusion, increasing retention, and improving productivity at the Thursday, October 13, 2011, meeting of the Jersey Shore Association forHuman Resources (JSAHR), 8:00 to 10:00 a.m., Jumping Brook Country Club, 210 Jumping Brook Road, Neptune, N.J.
The registration fee and a full buffet breakfast is $25.00 for JSAHR members; $35.00 for nonmembers; and an additional $5.00 for walk-ins. To register, call Kathi Evans, JSAHR administrator, at 732-244-8892 or e-mail jsahradmin@atbcelebrations.com. JSAHR is a Superior Merit Award Chapter of SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management).
The panelists and their topics include Patricia Carlesimo, executive director, Ladacin Network – Employing and Creating Inclusion for People with Disabilities;Lois Cooper, VP, diversity officer, Adecco- Diversity Strategies at Adecco; Dr. Chuni Li, OD director, Monmouth Cares – Workplace Culture and Expectations: Chinese-American Managers and Employees at Work; Bernie Strout, Gay Pride Business Network – GLBT Issues in the Workplace; Catherine Tansey, executive
director, International Institute of N.J. – The Workplace Issues of the New Immigrant Worker.