April 14 Online Meeting of the N.J. Health Care Networking Group
Join N.J. Health Care Networking Group for the Wednesday, April 14 Zoom meeting from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. N.J. Health Care Networking Group is a free organization for anyone in the health care industry, including those who provide ancillary products and services. Bancroft NeuroRehab is in the V.I.P. member spotlight and is hosting the April meeting.
To register, email Lisa@PreferredCares.com and you will receive the Zoom code to join the April 14 meeting. For more information about N.J. Health Care Networking Group, contact Lisa Gallicchio, director of community relations for Preferred Home Health Care & Nursing Services, Eatontown, the premier sponsor of N.J. Health Care Networking Group, at lisa@preferredcares.com. or visit www.njhcnet.com for the monthly location and member events. Meetings take place once a month.
About Bancroft NeuroRehab: For more than 30 years, Bancroft NeuroRehab, a New Jersey-based non-profit, has been working with patients to help them rebound, recover, and reconnect after experiencing a brain injury, stroke, and other neurological conditions. The team of clinicians, using the most comprehensive evidence-based therapies and treatment programs, allows people to make purposeful steps forward.
The aim of Bancroft NeuroRehab is to meet every individual where they are in the recovery process and help them and their families reclaim life. The focus is on comprehensive, individualized treatment plans that may include outpatient therapies, vocational services, residential rehabilitation, and day treatment program options. For more information, call 844-234-8387 or https://neurorehab.bancroft.org/contact-us/