A Free UEZ Seminar – Doing Business with the Federal Government
Selling goods and
services to the federal government provide opportunities to expand one’s client base and increase revenue. The Lakewood Development Corporation, the administrative arm of the Urban Enterprise Zone UEZ), is offering the public a free small business seminar “Doing Business with the Federal Government,” Wednesday, November 16, 2011, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in Conference Room C, the Lakewood Municipal Building, 231 Third Street, Lakewood.
The workshop, given by Sherry Rose and Dolcey Chaplin of the NJIT Defense Procurement Center, will explain the process of conducting business with the federal government. NJIT Defense Procurement Center has generated more than $30 million a year in new contracts for New Jersey small businesses. A question and answer period will follow. Register online at www.lakewoodnj.gov/department/uez
by clicking “Free Business Workshops.”
To find out about UEZ programs and seminars, call Joan Wilkes at 732-364-2500 x5256 or jwilkes@lakewoodtwpnj.org. All businesses are welcome whether or not
they are participating in a UEZ program.
About the UEZ: The Urban Enterprise Zone program was designed to foster economic growth to revitalize and stimulate designated urban communities. The program encourages businesses to create private-sector jobs though public and private investment. More than 8,000 businesses throughout the state and more than 480 businesses in Lakewood benefit from tax and financial incentives. Personnel from the Lakewood UEZ are available to discuss program eligibility and answer questions.