Lakewood Chamber of Commerce Announces the 2017 Citizens of the Year

Posted on October 9, 2017 By

The Lakewood Chamber of Commerce, which is celebrating its 100th year, has announced the recipients of the 2017 Citizen of the Year awards. The Honorees will be recognized at the annual 2017 Citizen of the Year awards reception, Thursday, November 9, 2017, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., at Eagle Ridge Golf Club, 2 Augusta Boulevard, Lakewood, N.J.

The 2017 Citizen of the Year Honorees are Mary Pat Angelini, CEO of Preferred Behavioral Health Group; Ian M. Goldman, Esq., founder of I.M. Goldman Legal Group, LLC.; Lakewood Township Municipal Manager Thomas L. Henshaw; Hope Sheds Light and its co-founders Arvo Prima, Ronald R. Rosetto, and Steven L. Willis; and Joel Markel, founder and president of Preferred Home Health Care & Nursing Services.

Tickets cost $110.00 and include a premium open bar, buffet dinner, and dessert. Kosher food is available upon request.

Sponsorships and advertising opportunities are available, ranging from $200 to $1500. For questions, tickets or sponsorships, contact Denise Esposito, executive assistant of the Lakewood Chamber, at 732-363-0012 or

