Are You Ready to Get Dirty? Your First Mud Run Is This Sunday!
The Foundation of Specialty Hospitals, 500 River Avenue, Lakewood, is sponsoring Your First Mud Run, a family event (ages six and up) and obstacle race with a little mud thrown in, on Sunday, May 17 at 1075 Stephenson Avenue, Oceanport (formerly Ft. Monmouth). Check-in begins at 9:00 a.m. and the first Run Waves begin at 11:00 a.m.
Register online at Click on Events and then Registration. The fee is $55.00 until May 17 with a $5.00 discount for online registration. Winners will receive medals.
Contact Lisa McGowan, the marketing and communications coordinator for Acute Care Health System, at 732-778-5907 for more information.
About AcuteCare Health System: AcuteCare Health System is considered the leader in developing long term acute care hospitals, known as LTACHs. Specialty Hospital of Central Jersey, an affiliate of AcuteCare Health System, is a “hospital-within-a-hospital,” designed to provide long term acute care to patients with complex medical conditions whose average length of stay is usually 25 days or more. All proceeds will benefit patients’ families and loved ones with expenses not associated with insurance, such as lodging, transportation, and food, among other necessities.
Board members of Specialty Hospitals of New Jersey Foundation are Rose Widdis, Leonard Allen, Susan Zambrano, Mary Pat Napolitano, Deacon Eugene Somma, Margaret Penta, Annmarie Lisa, Peggi Shader, Dina Wegrzyniak, Lisa McGowan and ad hoc member Violeta Peters.