Finding a Cure for Type 1 Juvenile Diabetes – Leta Kids Pumpkin Express Event Celebrates Its 21st Year
The whole family is invited to enjoy Leta Kids Pumpkin Express, a community event to benefit the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, Sunday, October 12, 2014, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Laurelton Fire House, Route 88 West and Olden Street (across from Jersey Paddler), Brick, N.J.
This event, celebrating its 21st year, includes 1,000 painted pumpkins available for purchase, free kids’ games and prizes, and refreshments. Every child wins something. Raffles for gift baskets and baked goods are also available for purchase.
All proceeds will go to support Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation in seeking a cure for juvenile diabetes. For further information call Dave Leta, co-founder, at 732-458-6674 or email Also visit or Facebook at the Leta Kids Pumpkin Express.
About Pumpkin Express: First, Leta family and friends, volunteers, spend a full day washing and drying more than 1,000 pumpkins. Then area artists paint pumpkins with decorative designs and kids’ favorite characters.