Lakewood Municipal Employees Finish CPR and AED Training

Posted on July 3, 2014 By

What if someone in your workplace had a cardiac emergency? A breathing or first-aid emergency? Would you know what to do? Could you use a defibrillator if you had to before EMS personnel arrived?

Through funding from the County Municipal Support Service, Lakewood Mayor Menashe Miller was able to obtain two defibrillators for the Lakewood Municipal Building, Third Street. One is located on the second floor, facing the elevator; and the other is in the Municipal auditorium.

Scott Carter, Lakewood EMS supervisor, said that 17 municipal employees finished a six-hour class that trains employees to respond to a workplace emergencies. During the class, attendees learned how to assess the needs of someone in trouble, effectively use the AED (Automated External Defibrillator) and CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation), and especially how to develop a communication describing what is happening in order to help EMS when they arrive on the scene.

Lakewood Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) who taught the course were Mary Jane Delvalle, Ronald Hill, and Shannon Ortiz-Milne.

Mayor Miller recently recognized the Lakewood Township employees who completed the CPR/AED course. They included Yehuda Abraham, purchasing agent and risk manager; Elizabeth Barina, payroll and pension supervisor, finance department; Susie Beck and Cindy Schwartz, clerk typists, municipal manager’s office; Gene Canfield, senior code enforcement officer, and Terry Gaudlip, code enforcement officer, both in the code enforcement and inspection department; Marta Harrison; computer technician; Cassandra Johnson, senior assistant assessor, Regina Keith and Mike Shave,; assessing aides in the tax assessor’s office; Florence Ochs, senior clerk typist, township clerk’s office; Jason Ochs, tax clerk, tax collectors office; Steven Reinman, interim municipal manager and executive director of the Lakewood Industrial Commission; Marilyn Rodriguez, senior code enforcement officer, code enforcement/inspection department; Ed Seeger, Jr. tax assessor; Margaret Stazko, supervisor of accounts, finance department; and Sheila Wilson, deputy municipal court administrator, municipal court.
